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Best of Show – Beer

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stChad MedfordOnly You Can Prevent Forest Fires6B: RauchbierRed Earth Brewers
2ndCole Christian
Co-Brewer: Paulette Palacios
Porter Alfredson13C: English PorterDC Homebrewers
3rdAlex RezmerskiThe Duke of Strathmoor Manor17D: English Barley WineLouisville Area Grain and Extract Research Society, LTD

Table 1: American Light Lager & Wheat (22 entries)

1stJeremiah BaerWeissbaer10A: WeissbierCider, Homebrew, And Mead Production Specialists (CHAMPS)
2ndStephen SchmittNot Spotted Cow1C: Cream AleEvanston Homebrew Club
3rdMichael RensingJust Here For the Zipline10C: WeizenbockCider, Homebrew, And Mead Production Specialists (CHAMPS)
HMPeter AndrewsAaaaarbock10C: WeizenbockDC Homebrewers

Table 2: Int'l Light Lager (24 entries)

1stCole Christian MHP
Co-Brewer: Paulette Palacios
Premium Pup3B: Czech Premium Pale LagerDC Homebrewers
2ndDavid HowellKolsch5B: KölschZymurgists of the Ozarks
3rdRoss StuartLeichtbier5A: German LeichtbierArizona Society of Homebrewers
HMMatthew JohnsenThe Hero of Prague?3B: Czech Premium Pale LagerRock Hoppers Brew Club

Table 3: Int'l Dark Lager (21 entries)

1stKristopher HopperAcey Boy9C: Baltic PorterFerm [IL]
2ndChad MedfordThe Scorn of Tim Bickel8A: Munich DunkelRed Earth Brewers
3rdRobert CrittenCeltic Cross 9C: Baltic PorterZymurgists of the Ozarks
HMRoss StuartDunkel8A: Munich DunkelArizona Society of Homebrewers

Table 4: Bock (11 entries)

1stDan Acheson MHPThe White Goat4C: Helles BockUrban Knaves of Grain
2ndMichael RensingBrother Seamus6C: Dunkels BockCider, Homebrew, And Mead Production Specialists (CHAMPS)
3rdJames DaugereauPerpetuator9A: DoppelbockDead Yeast Society [LA]
HMDeborah And Marc PrichardCrusty Ears and Nipples9A: DoppelbockRed Earth Brewers

Table 5: European Amber Beers (12 entries)

1stDan Acheson MHPEin Bisschen Alt7B: AltbierUrban Knaves of Grain
2ndBrian StephensToasty Malt Water7A: Vienna LagerKeepers of Craft
3rdEvan BrillSeptemberfest6A: MärzenLouisville Area Grain and Extract Research Society, LTD

Table 6: British Light Beers (13 entries)

1stKevin Wilson
Co-Brewer: Jason Biddle
Midsummer's Gold12A: British Golden AleGranite Run Brewers
2ndJim Williamson MHP221b Baker Street11B: Best Bitter
3rdJosh AkinStormy Daniels Hush Money11A: Ordinary BitterQUAFF (Quality Ale and Fermentation Fraternity)

Table 7: British Amber & Dark Beers (12 entries)

1stCole Christian MHP
Co-Brewer: Paulette Palacios
Porter Alfredson13C: English PorterDC Homebrewers
2ndMatthew MeadTreefort Stout16C: Tropical StoutPrimeTime Brewers
3rdBob Rouse MHPAll Aboard13C: English PorterDC Homebrewers

Table 8: Strong Beers (17 entries)

1stAlex RezmerskiThe Duke of Strathmoor Manor17D: English Barley WineLouisville Area Grain and Extract Research Society, LTD
2ndJosh AkinGroundskeeper Willy17C: Wee HeavyQUAFF (Quality Ale and Fermentation Fraternity)
3rdBrian GrayA Tall Cask20C: Imperial Stout

Table 9: Wood, Smoke, and Spice, & Other (26 entries)

1stChad MedfordOnly You Can Prevent Forest Fires6B: RauchbierRed Earth Brewers
2ndJeremiah BaerCandy Cap Mushroom Stout30A: Spice, Herb, or Vegetable BeerCider, Homebrew, And Mead Production Specialists (CHAMPS)
3rdTimothy WicklundFreshly Shorn34B: Mixed-Style BeerKeepers of Craft

Table 10: American Amber, Brown, & Dark Beers (20 entries)

1stJim Williamson MHPWill's Brown Ale19C: American Brown Ale
2ndDaniel Kukuk MHPLongshoreman20A: American PorterMotor City Mashers
3rdFritz SchanzStearman's American Stout20B: American StoutDenton County Homebrewers Guild
HMEvan BrillRed Mosquito19A: American Amber AleLouisville Area Grain and Extract Research Society, LTD

Table 11: Belgian & Abbey Ales (25 entries)

1stLuke HelblingBe Tripel (3)26C: Belgian TripelHollywood Hopheads
2ndNathan JamesAvenge My Death26D: Belgian Dark Strong Ale
3rdTracy Pratt MHPShimae All Day26B: Belgian DubbelBattleground Brewers Guild

Table 12: American Pale and IPA (25 entries)

1stRoss StuartHazy IPA21C: Hazy IPAArizona Society of Homebrewers
2ndRoss StuartIPA21A: American IPAArizona Society of Homebrewers
3rdByron BirdCircle City IPA21B2: Black IPAHigh Plains Drafters [TX]

Table 13: Fruit & Sour Beers (22 entries)

1stJeremiah BaerYuzugose29A: Fruit BeerCider, Homebrew, And Mead Production Specialists (CHAMPS)
2ndAdam WojciechowiczZombie Cda28A: Brett Beer
3rdStephen SchmittYoung and Old23E: GueuzeEvanston Homebrew Club

Table 14: Irish & Scottish Ales (15 entries)

1stStephen SchmittMaxwell's Stout-Porter15B: Irish StoutEvanston Homebrew Club
2ndDavid O'NealO'Neal's Irish Red15A: Irish Red AleThe Brü Club
3rdDirk MontgomeryOld Walking Stick15C: Irish Extra StoutRed Earth Brewers