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Thanks to all who participated in the DC Homebrewers Cherry Blossom Competition.

There were 289 entries judged and 255 registered participants, judges, and stewards.

Best of Show Winners

Best of Show – Beer

PlaceBrewerEntry NameStyleClub
1stColby ReinekeCultivate5D: German PilsMinnesota Home Brewers Association
2ndStephen SchmittFC Bayern Dunkel8A: Munich DunkelEvanston Homebrew Club
3rdJason DunnNutty As A Fruitcake13B: British Brown AleInland Empire Brewers

Winning Entries

Table 1: American Pale Ale (13 entries)

1stAlex RezmerskiHip Hop Anonymous18B: American Pale AleLouisville Area Grain and Extract Research Society, LTD
2ndColby Reineke MHPSecrets Of The Ancients18B: American Pale AleMinnesota Home Brewers Association
3rdJohn Harlan MHPPale Horse18B: American Pale Ale

Table 2: Light American and International Lager (16 entries)

1stDavid Towles MHPAmber Lager2B: International Amber LagerHigh Plains Drafters [TX]
2ndChristopher HooksCrispy Cream1C: Cream AleDownright Obsessed Homebrewers (DOH)
3rdRoss Stuart MHPAmerican Lager1B: American LagerArizona Society of Homebrewers
HMJeff Mathiowetz MHPTwas The Sickness After Christmas2A: International Pale Lager Maltose Falcons

Table 3: Czech Lager (15 entries)

1stJason Dunn MHPThe Most Gluggable3D: Czech Dark LagerInland Empire Brewers
2ndBrian StephensGeneric Czech Pun3D: Czech Dark LagerKeepers of Craft
3rdDavid Towles MHPMalty Dark Lager3D: Czech Dark LagerHigh Plains Drafters [TX]

Table 4: Pale Euro Lager (20 entries)

1stColby Reineke MHPCultivate5D: German PilsMinnesota Home Brewers Association
2ndStephen Goadhouse MHPOur Daily Bread5B: Kölsch151 Brew Club
3rdJoe D’Auria MHPLeicht Of My Life5A: German LeichtbierMetro South Homebrew League (MASH HOLES)

Table 5: British and Irish Stout (13 entries)

1stWesley KulcakUncle FESter16D: Foreign Extra StoutBay Area Mashtronauts
2ndJosh Word MHPTropic Like Its Hot16C: Tropical StoutBay Area Mashtronauts
3rdDeborah And Marc Prichard MHPOats Are For Horses16B: Oatmeal StoutKansas City Bier Meisters

Table 6: Amber Euro Lager (18 entries)

1stAndrew ShoreAlt Style7B: AltbierGRIST
2ndJim ClappDziekczynienie6A: MärzenKeystone Hops
3rdJerry SadowskiVienna Lager 20247A: Vienna Lager

Table 7: Strong Beer (17 entries)

1stBill Davenport
Co-Brewer: Mark Schaad
Davenporter9C: Baltic Porter50 West
2ndJim Williamson MHPBig Bambu22A: Double IPAM.A.S.H. Marietta Association of Schoolhouse Homebrewers
3rdAlex RezmerskiDunkles Bock6C: Dunkels BockLouisville Area Grain and Extract Research Society, LTD

Table 8: Euro Dark Lager (8 entries)

1stStephen Schmitt MHPFC Bayern Dunkel8A: Munich DunkelEvanston Homebrew Club
2ndOmar Al-Nidawi MHPBatch #2188B: SchwarzbierDC Homebrewers
3rdDirk MontgomeryDas Schvartz8B: SchwarzbierRed Earth Brewers

Table 9: Wheat Beers (9 entries)

1stRoss Stuart MHPAmerican Wheat1D: American Wheat BeerArizona Society of Homebrewers
2ndPeter AndrewsBuonoBock10C: Weizenbock DC Homebrewers
3rdJoshua CassIn The Wheat Of The Night10B: Dunkels WeissbierJames River Homebrewers

Table 10: Bitter and Commonwealth Pale Ale (11 entries)

1stAlistair Benson MHPRepatriale11B: Best BitterGRIST
2ndScott Estlund MHPArt Of The Ordinary11A: Ordinary BitterThe Brü Club
3rdOmar Al-Nidawi MHPBatch #22011C: Strong BitterDC Homebrewers

Table 11: British Brown (10 entries)

1stJason Dunn MHPNutty As A Fruitcake13B: British Brown AleInland Empire Brewers
2ndEmersen Heron MHPOrange Cats Are Gods13A: Dark MildRed Earth Brewers
3rdKevin KiernanDark Moor Porter13C: English PorterDC Homebrewers
HMTerry WithersPorter 2513C: English Porter151 Brew Club

Table 12: Scottish and Irish Red (12 entries)

1stDane Clark MHPPandemic17C: Wee Heavy
2ndCole Christian MHP
Co-Brewer: Paulette Palacios
Lucky Lepresheagle15A: Irish Red AleDC Homebrewers
3rdJonathan Marut MHPIrish Red15A: Irish Red AleCap and Hare Homebrew Club

Table 13: Wood and Smoked (13 entries)

1stKevin Lewis MHPRauch The Casbah6B: Rauchbier
2ndWesley KulcakShepherd's Fasshaus Spezial No. 2333B: Specialty Wood-Aged Beer Bay Area Mashtronauts
3rdMichael RensingMark It 8, Dude32A: Classic Style Smoked Beer Cider, Homebrew, And Mead Production Specialists (CHAMPS)

Table 14: Belgian Ales (16 entries)

1stDominick DufnerLeptirica25B: Saison STLBrewhogs
2ndNathan JamesUne Visite A La Ferme24C: Bière de Garde
3rdKevin KiernanSaison L'Enfant25B: Saison DC Homebrewers
HMStephen Goadhouse MHPJefferson Twilight25B: Saison 151 Brew Club

Table 15: American Porter and Stout (12 entries)

1stMichael BransonImperial Stout20C: Imperial StoutDC Homebrewers
2ndJim ClappPatriot Porter20A: American PorterKeystone Hops
3rdJeffrey RockerTourmaline Porter20A: American Porter

Table 16: Fruit and Sour (15 entries)

1stJeff Case MHP
Co-Brewer: Doug Brown
Weisse O Sour23A: Berliner WeisseQUAFF
2ndJonathan Rollins MHPClingstone Prince28C: Wild Specialty Beer Cap and Hare Homebrew Club
3rdJim ClappOp De Troon29B: Fruit and Spice Beer Keystone Hops

Table 17: India Pale Ale (25 entries)

1stSamuel PersichilliMILLION DOLLAR BABY21C: Hazy IPAHangar 41 Brew Club
2ndRoss Stuart MHPAmerican IPA21A: American IPAArizona Society of Homebrewers
3rdMichael RensingIsland In The Sun12C: English IPACider, Homebrew, And Mead Production Specialists (CHAMPS)

Table 18: Monastic (18 entries)

1stTracy Pratt MHPDouble Down Dubbel26B: Belgian DubbelBattleground Brewers Guild
2ndAlex Hannagan MHPHonoghr Bound26D: Belgian Dark Strong Ale
3rdAdam Wojciechowicz
Co-Brewer: Teddy & Elly Wojciechowicz
The Boys Are All Grown Up26A: Belgian Single

Table 19: Specialty (14 entries)

1stTravis Cherry MHPShogun31A: Alternative Grain Beer Bay Area Mashtronauts
2ndCole Christian MHP
Co-Brewer: Paulette Palacios
Not Your Nermal IPA (Blackstrap Molasses Black IPA)31B: Alternative Sugar Beer DC Homebrewers
3rdAlistair Benson MHPItalian Pils34B: Mixed-Style Beer GRIST

Table 20: American Amber and Brown (14 entries)

1stDavid Towles MHPKentucky Common27A2: Kentucky CommonHigh Plains Drafters [TX]
2ndTravis Cherry MHPEspirit De Corps19C: American Brown AleBay Area Mashtronauts
3rdJeffrey RockerOld Louisville Slugger27A2: Kentucky Common